We are currently expanding into other languages. Stay tuned for more updates.

2016 #18 - Red Son Green Lantern

Hey guys, hope all is going well with you all. Our third release for this month is the Red Son Green Lantern. For those who haven't seen him before, you can play as him in the Injustice game. He is still Hal Jordan, but he serves Russia instead of the USA. I had a hard time choosing which Red Son character to do because they all look awesome. This would make it the second time that I make a Hal Jordan Green Lantern, the last iteration was a Pixies Inc. version. Let me know what you guys think, suggestions or questions that you may have by writing us in the comment section below. Thanks for stopping by and checking out our new release. Make sure to follow and like us on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and VKontakte pages. And stay tuned for one more release coming out for this month.. See you guys soon.

2016 #17 - Colossus

Good morning (доброе утро) Odd World Pixels, our second release for this month is Colossus, from the X-Men. His human identity is Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin.. a very long name.. Standing at 6'7 ft high, the strongest member of the X-Men, yet a very humble mutant, working towards more peaceful solutions. I definitely had to do this one, because he fits right in with our Russian theme and also because I love the X-Men. I had done a brief X-Men series in the past, during the time that we were releasing fairy versions of characters. If you haven't seen them, you can check them out by clicking on the year links to the left. Let us know your thoughts, suggestions, or questions in the box below. Thanks for checking us out today. Make sure to check us out on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and VKontakte pages.. Stay tuned for more releases.. Bye

2016 #16 - Zangief

Hey guys, we are glad that we are back again to bring out more characters to you. I just came back from Russia over the weekend. It was a blast and an unforgettable experience. In tribute to my trip, we are going with doing a special Russian edition theme. Starting this theme off with a very popular character, Zangief from Street Fighter. This guy is often called the Red Tornado, originally was going to be called Vodka Gobalsky. Can you imagine how much of a difference the name change could have impacted the character and his fame? I can't even imagine, but he is very powerful nonetheless. Let us know your thoughts, questions or suggestions in the comment box below. Thank you for stopping by here at Odd World Pixels. I want to give a big shout out to our growing fanbase at VK as well. I am glad to have met some of you guys in person. Make sure to check us out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and VKontakte.. See you guys later.